Because of all the uproar and authors demanding their books be removed from their site, Clean Reader has done exactly that. They've removed ALL books from their catalog. Kind of hard to have books available when their source of books had been cut off. Page Foundry was distributing books to them. Smashwords and Draft 2 Digital requested Page Foundry not distribute any of their books to Clean Reader or basically risk losing their partnership. When two of the most popular distribution sites for Indie books threatened to cut off your access to the very thing you need to stay in business, it would behoove you to listen!
You, as a consumer may feel that once someone purchases a book, they are free to do with it as they see fit. This is true for PRINT books. When it comes to e-books, the reader purchases a license to read the book, on ONE reading device. As the owner of that one license to read the book, you do not have the right to reproduce or alter the content in any way or distribute it to others in the altered or unaltered state without the written permission of the author and their publisher.

It's true there are under-aged readers who do get their hands on explicit material. Let's go back to the example mentioned in the introduction. The daughter of the creators of this app read a book in her school library that she loved, but made her sad because it had swear words in it. Instead of questioning why their daughter had such a book available, they immediately jumped to looking for an app to clean it up.

This very thing happened when I was in middle school. Judy Blume books were quite popular and parents had no problem with the books being in our school library...until FOREVER was released. Based on the cover back when I read it, you would never have guessed it was a sexually explicit book. It's a Judy Blume book for heaven's sake! The second cover in the photo is what it looks like today. Based on comments as late as 2014, people are STILL upset this book is not for kids like Judy's other books (except WIFEY. That one is ADULTS ONLY). I'm in my late forties so why is it this book STILL doesn't have the appropriate warnings?

It's bad enough to have to fight within the romance community about the heat levels of books and what is erotic and what is merely steamy. There's a group of publishers, authors and readers who what to "clean up" the erotic romance genre. There's no need to clean it up. All they have to do is stick with their own genres and heat levels and leave ours alone. Unfortunately, this dissension has lead to confused readers—just like those who pick up the Judy Blume books. They're expecting one thing and get another. If I'm promised hot sex scenes, I sure as hell better have them and not some watered down version. Same goes for those readers who wish to have more behind closed doors. They're also entitled to get what they expect and not have to use an app to get it.

My stance on this is quite simple. There are enough books out there to appeal to your tastes. Choose the ones with the content you desire, whatever heat level, whatever horror level, however dark or twisted they may be or not. Use your brain to make the choices and you won't need to rely on an app that your child can simply turn off if he or she wishes to read the "naughty" words.
Food for thought...
~The Vixen